Hard to believe, but I just found a script with 10 no-no's on page one:
1. Slug line did not specify setting of first scene, just the building
2. Scene moved between four rooms/locations w/o scene changes
3. Action lines filled with multiple, separate, actions. Fine for a novel, but not a script
4. Action lines tell us info we could not possibly see
5. Lead character's name in caps twice instead of just at first sight
6. Other character's name not in caps at first sight
7. Upcoming plot point is something we could see in a few pages, but the lead tells us about it instead (killing the mystery and breaking the 'show, don't tell' rule)
8. Dialogue states the same point twice
9. Specific song was mentioned as playing on radio
10. Lots of 'we see's in action lines
And one to grow on in case any of the above are up for debate:
11. No description given on meeting any of the characters
Art has few rules, but screenwriting is an art that has quite a few. I recommend scripts that break a few here and there, but ten in the first page? No reader could recommend this without risking their job.
Help us help you. Master the rules. Then, whether you follow all of them or not, your mastery will show in your work.