Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's the Only Way to be Sure

Yes, I can tell when you're writing about yourself.

This isn't just for autobios. It could be an obvious hit job against your ex. Wife, boyfriend, boss, I've seen 'em all.

Ask yourself if any of this sounds familiar: The secondary characters are thin and one note, 99% of the dialogue revolves around the lead and her/his wants, characters don't exist outside the lead's presence, there's an obvious mistake made but no one else understands, the lead is blamed even when they've done nothing wrong, not liking the lead is a sign a secondary character is weak or evil, the love interest is nearly perfect (and also undeveloped)...

And the number one sign your lead is an author insert, when asked to describe their biggest flaws are you tempted to say they're "too smart" or they "care too much?" If so, gut the script.

Or nuke it from space. Either way you'll save yourself some time.